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Wound Care Treatment Supplies


Wound care treatment supplies are items used to clean, protect, and promote healing of a wound. These supplies typically include:

1. Gauze: A thin, absorbent material used to clean and protect wounds.
2. Bandages: Material used to wrap and secure dressings or to provide support and compression to a wound.
3. Dressings: A variety of materials, such as adhesive bandages, non-adhesive pads, and specialized dressings, used to cover and protect wounds.
4. Surgical scissors: Used to cut and trim dressings and other materials used in wound care.
5. Forceps: Used to grasp and manipulate dressings and other materials during wound care.
6. Sterile gloves: Worn by healthcare professionals to protect themselves and the patient from infection during wound care procedures.
7. Disinfectants: Chemical agents used to clean and disinfect the wound and surrounding skin to prevent infection.
These supplies are essential for proper wound care and help ensure that the wound heals effectively and safely.

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Monday - Friday (10:00AM - 2:00PM PST)

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